Chiropractic Services

  • Chiropractic Treatment

    Our Chiropractors have undergone extensive training to confidently and accurately assess, diagnose and treat neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. Through their history, physical examination and diagnosis they will establish a treatment plan best suited to the individual and their existing condition.

    Our Chiropractors pride themselves in taking the extra step to investigate the root cause of your issue, and not just treating the pain. They work with you to provide patient focused care, to achieve your goals and improve your health.

  • Muscular Dry Needling

    At this point in time, Dr. Mo has completed extra course work to use Dry needling as an additional therapy to her treatments. Dr. Taylor will be taking the same course, later this year!

    Dry Needling primarily focusses on the release of myofascial trigger points in a muscle. It is used to promote blood flow, reduce pain, reduce tight muscles and decrease inflammation. They will use dry needling in conjunction with other manual therapies in order to deliver the most beneficial treatment for the patient.

  • Sport Injuries

    Both Chiropractors uses their extensive education (over 8 years), extra course learning and clinical experience to assess and treat a multitude of sport injuries.

    No matter what age or sport, they understand the importance of wanting to return as quickly but as safely as possible.

    Our Chiropractors address specific sporting demands, to prevent future re-injury and improve your performance.

    Both Chiropractors understand sport and the passion that comes with it!

  • Cold Laser Therapy

    Our Chiropractors are trained and experienced in the use of low level laser therapy. Our Laser therapy (cold laser therapy) operates within a specific wavelength range, to stimulate cellular change in damaged tissues. They use Cold Laser Therapy to reduce pain and inflammation. Cold laser can be used independently, or in conjunction with other manual techniques, as your health professional deems necessary.

    Laser is great for: Arthritis, Ankle Sprains, Tendinopathies, Golfers Elbow, Inflamed Disc injury and more.


  • Pregnancy and Postnatal Care

    Don’t let the aches and pains of pregnancy be your new normal. Both our Chiropractors enjoy treating Mum’s and pregnant patients.

    Dr. Taylor has focused into this niche, completing additional course work to improve her skills and provide optimal treatment! She is here to help make your pregnancy as smooth and pain free as possible.

    With their post-natal follow-ups and Growco Rehab classes they are determined to get you back, stronger than ever. They are trained to coach, educate and treat all Mumma’s before, during and after birth.

  • Injury Rehab

    Our goal is to help you, help yourself. Our health professionals want to empower all patients, to resolve their issue but also better prepare them for future injury and overall health.

    They believe patient specific rehab is an excellent additive to the manual therapy. Our Chiropractors will, when necessary, prescribe an exercise or rehab program that is specific to the patient and their needs.